Irene update – typical, a lot of noise, stores sold out, market surged, people rallied to support each other, briefly forgot ‘bout jobs, or sexual prefs, laws ‘n such. Seemed a bit orchestrated or exploited at the least… from a financial and morale perspective, Irene was an incredible success! A wag the dog war, won with the only causalities being that of naive pockets and hearts.
hurt; wisdom’s fare
all is fair, in the name of love and war
save unreasoned, unnamed
Ebb-flow, ying-yang, push-pull, credit-debit, Florida-snow, New York-hurricane, dead-broke. Rounding out the 2nd week in LES and feeling close to home. This space is a reminder of good times and good friends. Formerly I spent more time in the streets of LES than any other part of the city. Play your circle right and you could play in the same arena and never intersect. One of those places that are designed for the compartments I choose to fashion my life into.
Irene’s propaganda became unbearable; there was a desire to escape all of the hype. Just as things were becoming cloudy in the skies, my world was beginning to become clearer. Ms. Kennedy walked into a compartment that had been left vacant for some time. Her presence was like a stone precisely tossed in the waters of my life; rippling between compartments and disturbing the balance I had brilliantly created. The escape was to Lenox, MA; 48 hrs; finding refuge and starting anew with the temporary backdrop of a sleepy New England town with the soothing soundtrack of chamber music vocals.
Gateways Inn was completely spur of the moment. My homeFREE mindset began to take on another dimension, additional consideration. Taking a chance on something that was beginning to feel right while at the same finding ways to say goodbye to other compartments that have I grown to care for deeply. Some goodbyes we pleasant and forecasted, others were awkward and surprising. None more surprised than me. Funny that when your not looking for something, it finds you.
This is my last week in LES as Ya-Ya is due to return next Thursday. Surprisingly, the playground I deeply appreciated has become the best place, to date, for some needed introspection (I see you J, both of you!). I feel like my world is changing and that I have become more in tuned with my surroundings; learning to recognize the value of home, family, friends, colleagues and my placement in their lives and theirs in mine. Compartments have always kept me safe and comfortable.
I am currently safe and uncomfortable and loving the feeling of being so. Safe in the notion that at the end of this homeFREE journey I will be ok, this I know. Uncomfortable in the fact, that there are some things that are just out of my control. Not to be misconstrued with the slightest bit of absolving myself from all responsibility to set forth an agenda that helps me reach my short and long term goals; rather relinquishing the futile effort to control the uncontrollable. I will continue to inform, persuade and influence opportunities that are in my best interest and interest of those I care deeply for. Ironic that I find myself reflecting on compartments in LES, an area in NYC that gave birth to tenements; compartment living.
Closing update – Builder is waiting for the installation of the electrical meter from Con Ed; once installed the final inspection should clear and the CofO issued. Sounds familiar? Stay tuned; as this may actual happen within the next two weeks OR not!