describes homelessness as the condition of people without a regular dwelling. People who are homeless are unable or unwilling to acquire and maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or lack "fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence".
While it is true that I am currently w/o a place to call home, my story may not be very different from others who might have been “down on their luck” or "between places right now". In fact, I find myself in similar circumstances because I moved out of my beautiful Fort Greene garden apartment prior to closing on a Rockaway Beach home. Those who know me, know the beach was never my idea or passion... oh the things we do for love. Don't get me wrong, rental income on a two family home is logical and the beautiful curves on the figures of a 20-year tax abatement can be sexy as hell. So long after the love is gone the logic remains firm. Timing however…
This is where the fishaCHRONICLE begins… so the closing didn't happen as planned and I find myself moving my belongings into storage. On Aug 1st three great guys showed up from and Chucky, the self proclaimed Michael Angelo of Moving, stacked my belongings masterfully in a 10X15 storage room.
Artistically and efficiently, Chucky provided me with room enough to multi-task this inhibited roll top box into my makeshift walk-in closet. Our joint coordination left two wardrobe boxes filled with remaining suits, shirts and shoes that are easily accessible. My son's desk positions boxes of underwear, socks and toiletries at the ready for what may become my weekly visits to refresh supplies of dry cleaning, underwear, vitamins and insulin.
I am just beginning to appreciate the term "home".